Angel one Client transfer full Process for angel one partner

 Angel one Client transfer full Process
एंजेल वन क्लाइंट ट्रांसफर की पूरी प्रक्रिया

1. Broker Process:- Go to NXT- Utilities> Service > Client Transfer /NOC > New Request > Client ID > Submit > Mobile/Email Id > Submit Request

Track: You can track the status of your request from NXT Login.
Login with your credentials->Utilities->Services->client Transfer / NOC->NOC Request MIS

2. Client Process:-  Client Recive Email > Click Link > OTP > Reason for Shifting > Yes, Approve > Request Accept Successfully > Wait 2 Day 

Note:- If the request is approved by client's Existing Authorized Partner then the trading code will be mapped to your SB Tag by next working day.
If there is no action for 2 working days from now, then the trading code will be mapped to your SB Tag by next working day post 2 working days.

New Request - Place request for transferring client code from B2B / B2C under your tag. Confirmation link will be sent to the client via EMAIL & SMS for client consent. Post client consent and Existing Authorized Person approval code will be shifted in 48 hours.

Conditions For NOC Transfer:

  • "Angel One Ltd." Reserves the right to modify NOC/Code shifting policy at any point of time.
  • Cat. A - Authorized Person with client base of more than 200 clients will be allowed to shift 20 B2C client in a Quarter.
  • Cat. B - Authorized Person with client base less than 200 clients will be allowed to shift 10 B2C Clients in a Quarter.
  • 14 B2B Clients in a month will be allowed.
  • Within six months of AP Tag generation no code shifting will be allowed. (Except Prop Code-Same Pan)
  • Inactive Client codes won’t be allowed.
  • Codes mapped under any CB Branch of Angel, CBTRMT, EMT, ZEERO, DRA, OFRA, RFRL, Master Franchisee Direct Clients, Clients mapped under only Mutual Fund AP will not be allowed for shifting.
  • Client code whose code has been generated recently (Not completed 180 Days) will not be allowed for shifting.
  • Clients with net outstanding due of more than Rs.500 will not be allowed for shifted client needs to clear his dues first.
  • Client Shifting shall be processed online end to end. No manual request shall be accepted.
  • Codes mapped under Angel Direct would be allowed only in Parent Tag.
  • Prop code shifting would be allowed only in Parent Tag.
  • Code if mapped under Parent Tag would be allowed to get shifted to another Parent Tag only.

नमस्कार सर....🙏🏻🙏🏻

मैं महेश पवार रजिस्टर्ड स्टॉक ब्रोकर- इंदौर (म.प्र.) से हूं| अगर आप Online Stock market, Equity Share, F&O, Currency, Commodity (MCX), IPO, Mutual Fund (MF), Sovereign Gold Bond, ETF में Short Term & Long term Trading & Investment करना चाहते हैं तो आपको हम एक न्यू डीमेट अकाउंट (Demat Account) ओपन करके देते हैं। और डीमेट अकाउंट से रिलेटेड सर्विस प्रदान करते हैं। 🛣️

Angel One :-

Contact us/WhatsApp :- 7047636068

यदि आपको इसकी आवश्यकता नहीं है तो आप इसे इग्नोर करें। यदि आपके मित्रों और परिवार को इसकी आवश्यकता हैं तो उन्हें भेजें| 🙏🙏🙏🎄 🌴🌳💐🎯 🙏🏻👋🏻👏🏻👏🏻😊
